SEMOGA anda dan keluarga anda berada dalam keadaan sihat.
Maaf kerana lambat membalas email anda itu.
Saya rasa gembira menerima balasan email dari anda. Isi email anda itu mencerminkan perasaan seorang rakyat Malaysia yang hidup diperantauan.
Saya rasa perasaan dan pandangan anda terhadap Negara kelahiran anda itu patut dikongsi bersama dengan rakyat Malaysia yang lain. Oleh itu saya telah menyiarkannya email anda itu dalam blog saya di sini untuk tatapan umum.
Sungguh menakjubkan, email-email kita itu telah mendapat komen-komen yang begitu positif dari pelawat-pelawat yang membacanya.
Ini memberi isyarat kepada kita, menunjukkan bahawa kita tidak keseorangan dalam merealisasikan impian kita untuk melihat Malaysia menjadi Negara yang mendokong nilai-nilai yang baik dan semua rakyat dijamin hak-haknya, mereka boleh menjalani kehidupan sebagai satu bangsa yang saling bantu membantu dan lengkap melengkap antara satu sama lain.
Walupun selama ini kaum Melayu, Cina dan India tinggal dalam satu Negara, tetapi akibat dari tindakan ahli-ahli politik yang berkepentingan dan bagi memenuhi agenda masing-masing, telah menukarkan semua kaum ini secara semangatnya hidup berasingan. Akhirnya setiap kaum mempunyai aspirasi masing-masing. Lebih teruk lagi, timbul sikap prejudis antara kaum-kaum tersebut.
Akhirnya kaum yang lain dilihat sebagai musuh dan pesaing. Sungguh rugi sekali, mereka tidak dapat mengambil faedah dari kelebihan Malaysia yang mempunyai berbagai kaum.
Sepatutnya kita harus melihat kepelbagaian kaum ini dari sudut yang positif. Sebenarnya Negara kita bertuah kerana mempunyai rakyat dari tiga kaum terbesar ini, Melayu, Cina dan India. Mereka adalah aset yang sangat bernilai tinggi.
Dengan rakyat yang berkebolehan bertutur dalam bahasa Melayu, Cina dan India, dengan mudahnya kita dapat menembusi peluang di tiga Negara yang terbesar di dunia. Indonesia yang rakyatnya berbahasa Melayu ada lebih 200 juta orang, Negara India ada lebih 800 juta orang, dan Negara China ada satu billion orang.
Sudah tentu dengan kelebihan kemampuan yang ada pada rakyat Malaysia berkomunikasi dengan penduduk di tiga Negara terbesar bilangan penduduknya ini, pasti kita dapat meraih berbagai peluang di Negara-negara tersebut, termasuklah mengembangkan perniagaan, perusahaan, perundingan dan kepakaran kita.
Sudah tentu kita akan dapat membesarkan saiz kek Negara kita dan faedah serta kemakmuran darinya akan dapat dinikmati oleh semua rakyat di Negara ini.
Tiga tahun dahulu saya ada mengambil anak angkat. Dia adalah campuran antara Cina dan Melayu, tetapi rupa fizikalnya lebih dominan kepada Cina. Anda boleh lihat gambar dia seperti yang saya lampirkan di dalam email ini.
Oleh kerana wajahnya seperti orang Cina, saya telah hantar dia ke Tadika medium Cina dengan harapan dia boleh bertutur bahasa Cina bila besar nanti. Itulah kelebihan kita di Malaysia, anak Melayu tidak perlu pergi ke Negara China untuk menguasai Bahasa China.
Saya juga kagum dengan anda kerana walaupun telah lama berada di Australia tetapi masih boleh bertutur bahasa Melayu dengan baik.
Berbanding dengan bekas Menteri Kerja Raya Samy Velu (atau popular dengan Samy Tol) juga Presiden parti MIC, cakap Melayu anda lebih bagus dari dia. Telinga saya jadi sakit bila dengar Samy Velu cakap Melayu. Masalahnya dia tidak tahu dekat mana hendak letak penambahan ‘me’, ‘kan’, ‘pe’ dan ‘ber’ dengan betul. Dia main hentam saja.
Inilah sahaja celoteh saya buat kali ini, jumpa lagi di lain email.
Salam sejahtera dari saya sekeluarga.
Alias Mohd Yusof.
Tarikh: 9 Mac 2009.
Here is the reply from Lim:
Hello Alias, before I proceed, I do sincerely apologise for taking such a long time to reply. I do not wish to give you any excuse at all. How are you and everybody in the family? I trust all of you are in the best of health. As for me and my wife, we are very well. I have started an exercise regime three weeks ago. I have joined the 'Bickram Yoga' class. Basically, it is Hatha yoga but we practise in 39 degrees celcius heat for 90 minutes per session. Out of a three-week period, I have missed only two sessions. As a student in London, I have done the normal Hatha Yoga for a few year under a Malaysian instructor. I have been practising it,off and on, since then, but only for a few postures. This time round, it is pretty much full on. The biggest challenge here, of course, is the heat. But is is good for me. I have already lost 7 kgs. since I started. There are many other health benefits as well.
Well, Malaysia has now a new leader, Mr. Najib Razak. I heard about it on BBC as well as on Australian TV and Chinese CCTV from China. I hope the new 'Team' will usher in a new era which will see much more meaningful developments with regards to the economy, racial tolerance and harmony. Alias, I can relate to all those views regarding the politicians and lack of concrete steps taken to foster racial co-existence. I firmly believe that if the various ethnic groups, especially, the Malays, Chinese and Indians, could work positively and contructively together, there is no bounds for progress. I know it is easier said than done. I know it is a mammoth challenge and task, but we cannot afford to sweep everything under the carpet anymore. There are many good examples in the world for us to see, if not , to emulate.
Ignorance has always been the biggest stumbling block. If people are not been treated fairly and equitably, and if there are no checks and balances on what the Government are doing, especially, when we claim to be a democratic country, there will be discontents, sooner or later, among the public. The list could keep going and it never ends. Look at what happens in Africa and South America not so long ago? The western world has been the biggest and worst colonisers in many ways, but at least, they have seen the light of day, and are prepared to change for the better.
I have no problem at all for you to publish our views and thoughts, in order that we may share them with like-minded Malaysians. We are just airing our sincere thoughts and opinions, in a very constructive way.
Alias, you are absolutely right in saying our country's racial composition is a priceless assets. But I must also add that whatever benefits that are derived from the hard work of all the people are distributed, within context, in a realistic manner.
I know nothing is perfect or whatever we do will satisfy everbody, but at least we need to make an effort. When everybody has a roof over his/her head, sufficient food to feed themselves and their families and good standard of hygiene and medical care, education etc, I honestly believe there is no good reason to want to spoil their lives .
Of course, ultimately it is the politicians who should be exemplary and who should lead the nation in a transparent way. I am sure the rest, such as, cohesiveness of society, leading to harmony and loyalty will one day eventuate. What else can those politicians ask for? In any democratic country, there need to be a strong opposition party/parties. Not just strong but constructive and meaningful in their criticisms. Not being afraid to speak out against corrupt and inefficient leaders, and the just law of the land must reign supreme. It might sound idealistic but I do not think so.
Alias, I think you are a courageous man and a man of vision. Thank you for sending me a picture of your adopted son. He looks cheeky but I am sure he is a clever and smart kid. With your foresight and good up-bringing, I believe he could grow up to be an intelligent and a successful man one day. Keep up the good work. We are living in a fast-moving modern world. It is such a dynamic world. I have come to realise a long time ago unless we keep pace with change, we will be left behind. We must always be proud of our cultural heritage but that does not mean we cannot adopt modernity at the same time.
Alias, if I have inadvertently say something incorrectly, please do not hesitate to highlight it to me. I would like to end here for this time. I hope you have not thought I have forgotten about you. It has been more than a month since I got your email. Bye for now and stay healthy and well. My time right now is approximately 10.43pm Tues 14/04/09. Australia is now three hours ahead of Malaysian time. So your time now must be about 7.43pm the same day.
Warmest Regards
Lim Eng Siong